Knee Pain

Regain your knee mobility with The Moballise Physiotherapy Clinic


There are many reasons why your knees may begin to hurt.

Due to the mechanics of the knee joint and the forces that are passed across it when the surrounding muscles contract, it is unsurprising that they ‘flare-up’ at some point. Knee pain through teenage years is incredibly common, as is knee pain in men throughout their middle to late twenties. Occupations that require a lot of kneeling can also aggravate the knees and cause ongoing pain even outside of work. All of these examples can be reduced with good, effective management of the symptoms.

How We Can Help

Many of the painful symptoms experienced at the knee joint are from the presence of inflammation. Any signs of inflammation should be addressed immediately, with the appropriate treatment applied, on experiencing painful symptoms around the knee, especially where there is no obvious reason for the symptoms. Where indicated, seek immediate professional assessment.

The Moballise Physiotherapy Clinic will help you to identify the underlying cause and put together a management plan to assist you in resolving your symptoms and staying pain-free. We also treat several conditions such as Osteoarthritis, Tendonitis, Osgood-Schlatter’s disease, and Bursitis. Take a look at our blog for more information on these conditions and self-management advice.